Galway exceeds its recycling target, reveals WEEE Ireland ahead of weekend collections

WEEE Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical and battery recycling, is holding two free recycling events in Galway, on Saturday November 7.  The collection events, in association with Galway City Council, will take place from 10am – 4pm at Galway Greyhound Track Car Park, College Road, Galway City and Toft Park Car Park, Salthill, Galway City

WEEE Ireland’s Annual Environmental Report has revealed that WEEE Ireland collected almost 1,590 tonnes of electronic waste from Galway in 2014. This equates to almost 6.5kg per person in Galway, over the EU target of 4kg per head. 

Over 204 tonnes of electrical waste came from WEEE Ireland collections days that were held throughout the county, filling almost 41 large trucks.  WEEE Ireland is calling on the people of Galway to recycle even more electronic waste and batteries in 2015. The report also revealed that over 25% of Galway people are still hoarding or throwing out electrical waste at home. 

If you can’t make the collection events on November 7 you can also get involved in WEEE and waste battery recycling for free with WEEE Ireland in many other ways:

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE ) can be brought for recycling to your nearest electrical retailer when you purchase a new appliance from them.

Free WEEE takeback also applies when you buy online or have new appliances delivered to your home.

Bring waste portable batteries back to retail shops that sell similar batteries in Galway – look out for the special WEEE Ireland blue battery boxes across the city and county and Recycle for Good to help the Lauralynn Charity.

Alternatively, you can recycle your WEEE and waste batteries for free at your local Civic Amenity Site in Galway.

WEEE Ireland Free recycling events are held throughout the county throughout the year.  For more information log on to for updates.

These free WEEE Ireland recycling events allow people to get rid of any household electrical equipment and batteries in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Anything in the home with a battery or a plug can be recycled at the November 7th collections. Waste collection specialists from WEEE Ireland will be there on the day to help you send your old and broken toasters, vacuum cleaners, fridges and every other electrical item imaginable to a better place. 

As a consumer of electrical items, you are entitled to bring your waste electrical equipment to your electrical retailer when purchasing an item of similar type, i.e. on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis. Waste batteries can be brought back to any battery retailer that sells similar batteries, even if you don’t purchase anything. All WEEE and waste batteries can also be brought to your local civic amenity site free of charge.


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