Seahorse Aquariums Galway — marine and freshwater fish from around the world

Galway is famous worldwide for its aquatic diversity, oysters, seafish, salmon, trout, pike and many more. For more than 800 years Irish Monks cultivated many species of fish. For the first time in the West of Ireland you can keep many species of marine and freshwater fish, invertebrates and corals in your own home or business.

At Seahorse Aquariums Galway you can view and purchase freshwater aquatic inhabitants from the Amazon River and the dark Waters of the Rio Negro in South America to the species found in Asia and the Great African Rift Lakes.

They cater for the beginning aquarist with easy to keep but beautiful fish such as tetras, loaches, cichlids, killifish, plecos, catfish and the old favourite goldfish. For the experienced fishkeeper they always stock unusual and specialist species such as Discus, Stingrays, Oddballs and more.

Seahorse Aquariums can cater for the individual who wants the most basic setup to very advanced planted biotopes. Emphasis is placed on ensuring success for every customer. Forget the myths about fishkeeping, Modern advances in equipment and techniques have made the hobby simpler than ever. And with our advice and some common sense anyone can own a beautiful showpiece aquarium in their own home or business.

Seahorse Aquariums sells freshwater starter packs priced from €220. At Seahorse Aquariums they like to make aquarium keeping simple, so they include all you need to start your aquarium in the pack.

Seahorse Aquariums, Unit 2, Kilkerrin Park 1, Liosban Industrial Estate, Tuam Road, Galway, opening hours Monday to Saturday 9.30am - 6pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays, 11am - 6pm,


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