Detox and rejuvenate weekend retreat -  November 6 to 8 at the Bog Hill Centre Co Clare

Do you ever feel like you just need some time out to focus on you and where your life is really going? 

Do you have a dream or life goal and just need some guidance and direction to get you there? Do you ever feel like you would just like to give your body and mind a deep cleanse, with someone there to support you every step of your way?Do you feel burnt out and just need some you time? 

Now you can take time out to re-focus with guest facilitator Sharon Fitzmaurice who will bring you through your Wheel of Life. Who are you now? Where are you going or want your life to go? Who positively adds love and support to your life? Is it time to let go of the past? Allow Sharon to guide you through meditation, relaxed healing with flower essences and angelic love and support while Yvonne will be there to educate you on eating cleanly, detoxing your body, cleansing your liver, kidneys and bowel, while boosting your metabolism.

This detox and rejuvenation retreat is designed to nurture body, mind and spirit, and is personally run by The Raw food Coach, Yvonne Duffy O’ Shaughnessy.

"We assure that this retreat leads to brighter eyes, clearer skin, renewed energy and a heightened sense of you," she says.

The weekend is designed to fully re-charge every aspect of your mental and physical health. See Facebook The Raw Food Coach for booking or call (087 ) 0573098 to book your place now (€285 ).


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