Style Counsel

Q: I have a dress that is now too short for me. It was an expensive buy and I really like it, apart from the length. Have you any suggestions on what should I do with it?

A: Depending on how short the dress is and its style, try to wear it as a tunic top over leggings or jeans. Otherwise you could convert it into a top. You can either bring it to a dressmaker or customise it yourself.

If you decide to do it yourself you will need sharp scissors, pins, a measuring tape, Wunderweb, and an iron.

• Decide on the length of the top. Mark it with a chalk. Add an extra two inches for the hem. Pin the hemline and iron it before placing the Wunderweb under the hemline. The Wunderweb will replace the stitches if you cannot sew. Iron the hemline to allow the Wunderweb to hold on the fabric.

• Recycle the leftover fabric and reuse it as a belt to give more shape to the top.

• You can also customise the top by adding flowers, beads, or other decorations available in Penney’s or Hickey’s.

Delila works with women and men who went to look and feel better than ever before!

So for a wardrobe overhaul or a shopping buddy, call Delila on 087 63 91 956


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