Seahorse Aquarium Galway — catering for all your fish keeping needs

Have you ever wanted to keep real Nemo and friends but had no idea where to go to purchase your own Nemo Aquarium? Well Seahorse Aquariums Galway is the place to visit. Seahorse Aquariums, an aquatic specialist store, caters for the novice to the expert fish keeper.

Thanks to modern filtration and expert advice keeping a Marine Aquarium has never been easier. You can have an amazing real coral reef aquarium in your home or business featuring Nemo, Jacques (Cleaner Shrimp ), Gurgle (Royal Gramma ), Peach (Red Starfish ), Dory (regal Tang ) and many more.

Nemo isn’t just a movie star, Nemo is a Common Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris ) found in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Clownfish are found living inside sea anemones which they use for protection from predators. Anemones have powerful tentacles which sting and kill most fish, clownfish however have developed an immunity to their anemone hosts. Clownfish even help to care for their anemones by feeding them and protecting them from predators.

Clown fish have an unusual life cycle. As juvenile all clownfish are male, as they grow, the largest clownfish in the group changes sex to become the female. The second largest becomes her breeding partner. The remaining fish living in the colony remain as non-functioning males. If the female is lost from the colony, her male partner changes into the breeding female and the 3rd largest clownfish becomes the breeding male. Clownfish lay their eggs next to their anemone. The whole colony helps to defend the eggs until they hatch 7-10 days later. The tiny larvae clownfish drift in the plankton rich surface waters for a few weeks until they gain their adult colours and find an anemone of their own.

20 yrs ago all Clownfish seen in the hobby were wild caught however due to the dedication of amateur aquarists from around the world we have a greater understanding of marine fish behavior and nearly all Clownfish offered for sale are captive bred. This has significantly improved conservation efforts in their native habitat and spurred hobbyists from around the world to attempt the breeding of other species. This continues to date and as we speak the first yellow tangs, a very popular aquarium fish has recently been captive bred for the first time.

Seahorse Aquarium sells marine starter packs priced from €250. At Seahorse Aquariums we like to make aquarium keeping simple, so we include all you need to start your aquarium in the pack, even Nemo and Jacques.

Seahorse Aquarium, Unit 2, Kilkerrin Park 1, Liosban Industrial Estate, Tuam Road, Galway, opening hours Monday to Saturday 9.30am - 6pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays, 11am - 6pm,


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