Nolan welcomes news that GMIT can proceed to next stage of designation of university status

Local TD Derek Nolan has welcomed the news that Galway Mayo Institute of Technology can now proceed to Stage 2 of the Technological University (TU ) designation process.

Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT ), along with the Institute of Technology, Sligo (IT Sligo ) and Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT ) have put forward proposals for a merger to form the Connacht-Ulster Alliance (CUA ), and they submitted a Stage 1 Expression of Interest to the Higher Education Authority (HEA ) for Technological University (TU ) designation earlier this year. Minister Jan O’Sullivan’s decision on Tuesday has been informed by the advice of the HEA board who considered the CUA expression of interest on October 6, 2015.   

The Minister congratulated the consortium on its success in reaching Stage 2 of the process for TU designation, and wished them the best in their future endeavours in this process.

Deputy Nolan says that he would like to congratulate GMIT on getting to a position where they can now begin detailed work on the Connacht-Ulster Alliance. “Technological university status will ensure that GMIT can offer honours degrees and masters research programmes, attract greater investment funding and market itself and its students better abroad as part of a focused University approach. 

“There is also scope for economies in shared services and a thriving campus model. There is now a lot of work to do to bring this initiative to fruition, but I think it will be good for Galway and good for the West.  I will be delighted to support GMIT and the other colleges in any way possible,” he said.

The Minister O’Sullivan said that designation as a Technological University requires the achievement of challenging criteria and there is significant work to be undertaken by this consortium in the next stages of the process in order to achieve the standards required.  “The Board of the HEA has highlighted a number of issues and challenges that will need to be addressed as they progress through the process.”In line with the process for designation as a TU, Stage 2 of this process involves the preparation of a plan by the Connacht-Ulster Alliance, to meet the criteria for designation as a Technological University.


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