Chimera - where art and science meet

ART AND science - are they complementary disciplines or mutually exclusive? The possible meeting points between the two will be explored in The Chimera Art and Science programme and the exhibition, The Future is Here.

Chimera, is a CÚRAM and NUI Galway based project, founded by Andrea Fitzpatrick, its director and programme. It brings artists and scientists together to create a dialogue around the cultural issues of tissue engineering and medical devices. It also seeks to develop a visual arts research project within the CÚRAM laboratories, exploring experimental practice, with artists given full access to the labs and staff. Work by its artists in residence, Siobhan McGibbon and Joanna Hopkins, will go on public display at The Future is Here, in the Galway City Museum, which opens on Friday October 30 at 5pm.

Hopkins' installations explore areas of the brain believed to be responsible for empathy in humans, such as the supramarginal gyrus, and are based on her investigation into neurons in the research labs at CÚRAM. Through drawings, video, and interactive installations, she also explores touch-screen video devices. McGibbon will present a hypothetical narrative about creating a new species of human, merged with tadpoles and zebra fish. The works are created collaboratively with CÚRAM scientists, with materials used in the development of medical devices.

The Future is Here runs until December 23. See also and


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