Tom Dunne has pioneering Laser Eye Surgery

Tom Dunne, Radio Broadcaster and Musician, has undertaken a pioneering Laser Eye Surgery treatment called Presbia that provides an alternative to reading glasses.

Tom Dunne is best known as the lead singer of “Something Happens”, who had a memorable hit with the single ‘Parachute’. Tom work as a DJ and broadcaster on both radio and TV has highlighted his eye sight problems in recent years. “I lost my ability to see things up close, and became completely reliant on reading glasses”, says Tom.

Tom experience is not uncommon, everyone over the age of 40 will notice a change in vision as their eyes age. This condition is known as Presbyopia. The symptoms include blurred near vision when reading, working at the computer or when doing detailed work like sewing. Most people will notice they extend their arm and try to view the item at a distance in order to help focus clearly.

Tom’s work in broadcasting meant he had to rely heavily on glasses to see. Notes and scripts were impossible to read without the help of reading glasses. "I couldn’t read my phone or the daily papers, which is a big issue in my line of work.” explains Tom. He was in search of a solution that would improve his working and home life. ?“I was excited to hear Optilase had a solution to my near vision problem”. said Tom, “The team were explained everything in detail during my consultation and I felt nothing other than a slight pressure during the procedure It’s also really quick. Now I can read my iPad; texts; computer; the newspaper apps on the phone, everything."

Like many others, Tom was surprised about the impact of the treatment - "This small, simple treatment has made a massive difference in my life.?" Is everyone suitable for laser eye surgery? Optilase offer free consultations with an Optometrist to provide you with more information about Laser Eye Surgery and ensure you are suitable for treatment. Visit for more information or to book a free consultation.


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