Comedy Carnival - some tickets still available

THERE IS less than a week to go to opening night of the Vodafone Comedy Carnival Galway, and with ticket sales surging 20 per cent ahead of last year, it is no wonder Dylan Moran, Nina Conti, Jason Manford, Ardal O'Hanlon, and Stewart Lee have sold out already.

This does not mean there are no shows left to go to. Tickets are still available to some of the mixed bill shows, including Saturday October 24 in The Black Box with Irish Mammies author Colm O’ Regan, Buzzcocks' legend and festival stalwart Phill Jupitus, British comedian Shappi Khorsandi, Ireland's Foil Arms and Hog - the best sketch group working anywhere at the moment, and the irrepressible manic ball of energy that is Jason Byrne.

Speaking of balls of energy, the following night, Sunday 25, also in the Black Box, is PJ Gallagher, who will be joined by Tiffany Stevenson [see], the brilliant hip hop improv of Abandoman, multi-award winning Carl Donnelly, and the great Andrew Maxwell.

For tickets and booking see Tickets are also available via OMG @ Zhivago, Shop Street, and


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