Over The Edge Fiction Slam

SLAM EVENTS provide an opportunity for poets to read their work in public are plenty, but there are fewer opportunities for fiction writers, so the seventh annual Over The Edge Fiction Slam is a welcome event.

The first 12 fiction writers to make it to The Kitchen at The Galway City Museum on Friday October 16 before 8pm, and register, will be guaranteed a place in the slam. Participating writers should bring two pieces of their fiction, as there are two rounds. The time limit in both rounds is five minutes. Extracts from longer stories are admissible. Stories do not have to be memorised. The slam will be judged by a three person jury of two audience members and writer Aiden O’Reilly. The prize for the winner is a bottle of wine.

Aiden O’Reilly’s short story collection Greetings, Hero was published by Honest Publishing UK in 2014. His fiction has appeared in The Stinging Fly, The Dublin Review, and The Irish Times.

Admission is free and all are welcome.


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