Kyne welcomes progress on environmental review clearing way for Claregalway Flood Relief Works

Fine Gael TD for Galway West and Mayo South Seán Kyne has welcomed confirmation from the Office of Public Works’ Minister, Simon Harris that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform will this month sign off on the environmental review which has delayed works on the Claregalway Flood Relief Scheme. 

Deputy Kyne raised the issue in the Dáil querying the reasons for the ongoing delay in the scheme. Progress on flood relief schemes has been impacted by new EU Environmental laws which required national government departments to review environmental impact statements carried out by agencies such as the OPW.

“I am delighted that Minister Harris has confirmed that the Department will sign off on the new Environmental Impact Assessment this month clearing the way for the works to take place on the River Clare,” he said.

“The delay to this much-needed project has never been about funding but about new obligations placed on member states by the EU Environmental directives.“The OPW has already spent €2.5 million of the €7.1 million allocation carrying out works with which it could proceed. These included the construction of a flood eye at Claregalway bridge, the construction of a new bridge at Crusheeny, and the use of two long-reach machines to remove silt from the bends of the channel and upstream on the Clare River. 

He said that he is encouraged by Minister Harris’ statement in the Dáil that once the assessment is complete this month the Department will proceed with these important works without further delay.

“The completion of the project will provide great assurance to the residents and business-owners of the locality, concluded Dep Kyne.


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