Declutter your home and make some money

As part of our ongoing series in conjunction with our classified website, we give some tips on making money from clearing out the house

Attics, garages, sheds, and spare rooms can end up filled with all sorts of items that have never been used because they did not fit in with the decor or were unwanted gifts. The children and teenagers are back to school and it is the perfect time to give the house a good clear-out and make some spare cash as well.

There are plenty of items hanging around your home that you may no longer have a use for, but may be extremely valuable in the eyes of another. All these items can be advertised on the Galway Advertiser classified website and can include home and garden furniture, electronics, or sports equipment. Or something that clutters up every home is books, be it reading books, or old school books. If selling books, make sure to photograph and categorise properly, eg, crime, children’s, history, fiction, and so on.

Tips for selling

Instead of hiring a skip and sending everything to the dump, sell your items on Start by taking out your camera and taking a few photos of items you no longer want in your life. Remember to take shots from various angles or even include a short video to help potential buyers make up their minds quickly. You can simply upload the photos directly from your phone.

If you are selling an item include in the description the brand name, where it was bought or if it is a one-off, or made by a designer. Consider including the original price if it was expensive, or mention if it is an antique. Maybe you are redecorating your home? Why not try selling the unwanted pieces of furniture on the second hand market. From soft furnishings like lamps to heavy and tailormade curtains, many a house has cash in the attic.

Remember the old adage that 'one man's trash is another man's treasure'. Every household has a mountain of spare clothes. From wedding dresses, and Communion wear, to vintage clothes, and designer labels, there could be plenty of money to made from your unwanted clothes. Important things to include are if the clothing or footwear have been worn, still have tags on, are recognised brands or from a certain era. Make sure items are clean before you attempt to sell.

There is a second-hand market for all sorts of electronics in good, working condition. Hi-Fis and stereos often take up valuable space in a living room or bedroom, covered in inches of dust. Someone somewhere might be looking for a good set of speakers, a turntable, or a tape deck.

Another huge area of the pre-loved market is sporting equipment, how many of us started a health kick and purchased a treadmill, or exercise bicycle. Are these items now collecting dust, or being used as clothes hangers? If so it is time to send them to a new home!

It is National Declutter Day this Saturday September 26 - check out for more details on how to clear out your space and improve your life. National Declutter Day was founded in 2011 by The Declutter Therapist™ Breda Stack. She is on a mission to get everyone in Ireland decluttering and embracing the win-win ethos of the event. "Decluttering is so much more than putting old or broken objects into refuse bags. A therapeutic process that often requires a mindset change, it offers a wide range of practical and holistic benefits. Further to the personal rewards of decluttering, others also gain from our unwanted items. Reusing and recycling benefit our environment and local businesses."

All types of household goods, clothing, and footwear can be advertised for sale from only €3 per month on


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