Speech and drama skills for life

The gift of language has long been considered one of the greatest we have. When used to its full potential, language can unlock a wonderful world of literature and art, and can also enable us to communicate and share this world with others. 

Children today are introduced to reading and books at a very young age. However overcrowded classrooms, increading demands on the time of a schoolteacher, and more and more distractions mean that children are often not given the opportunity to fully develop their skills and interest in reading and language. It is vital that a child's natural love of words and drive for self expression not be left to decay. We need to give children the opportunity to nurture and develop these language skills, which will in turn go a long way towards a creatively fulfilled adulthood. Speech and drama training aims to not only teach children how to speak clearly and expressively for everyday communication, but also to appreciate, interpret, and perform a vast range of literature, poetry, and drama. 

The Garvey School of Speech and Drama, located at St Enda’s School, Dr Mannix Road, Sallthill, and Scoil Mhuire, Oranmore, is one of the longest established in Galway providing approved courses in speech and drama and is a centre of excellence where students have been successful in progressing to the top drama colleges including LAMDA, RADA, The Gaiety School, and Trinity College Dublin. 

The principal Ailbhe Garvey-Hughes adjudicates many of the major drama festivals and feiseanna throughout Ireland and overseas. She is a former Druid actress, a senior examiner for approved boards including the Royal Irish Academy, a member of the Association of Drama Adjudicators, and a member of the Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama in Ireland, Britain, and overseas. Classes resume next week.

To book phone 087 2832091/091 797183 or email ailbhegh@gmail.com. For more information see galwayspeechanddrama.ie.


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