Over The Edge Culture Night open mics

OVER THE Edge will hold two special Culture Night open-mics - one for fiction writers, the other for poets - with prizes for the best readers, at Kenny’s Bookshop and Gallery, Liosbán Retail Park, Tuam Road, Galway on Friday September 18.

The open mic for fiction writers starts at 4pm. Participants should bring along two pages of a story to read. The open mic for poets starts at 6pm. Participants poets should bring along two poems to read.

The MC will be the poet Kevin Higgins. There will also be a reading from the long-listed stories and poems by some of the writers in contention for the 2015 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year competition, for which Kenny’s is one of the sponsors. All long listed writers who can make it to Kenny’s on the day are invited to read.


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