Hand in Hand children’s cancer charity has launched an immediate appeal for funding due to an unprecedented demand for its services. The not-for-profit organisation, which began operating in 2006, supports families who are affected by childhood cancer throughout Ireland. Its aim is to alleviate some of the stress, anxiety, and practical difficulties faced by families who have a child undergoing treatment for cancer, through the provision of practical (laundry, childcare, domestic cleaning, and meals ) and emotional support.
Up to 250 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in Ireland, and of that number 20 per cent will not survive. The incidence of childhood cancer is increasing every year meaning funding is essential to meet this growth as the treatment of childhood cancer often extends to years.
Jennifer Carpenter, Hand in Hand service manager, said that while the charity originally operated in the west of Ireland, due to the sheer demand for services, geographical coverage has increased in the last 18 months. "We have rolled out our services nationwide. This expansion has put a strain on our already limited resources so now we find ourselves in a situation where we urgently require funds in order to meet this demand or we will have to turn away families. We receive absolutely no Government funding and rely and operate solely on voluntary fundraising and donations, so we are appealing to the public to give a contribution to help change the lives of families who are affected by childhood cancer."
Hand in Hand is the only children’s cancer charity providing ongoing practical and emotional support throughout treatment. The organisation has recently opened Ireland’s first dedicated National Children’s Cancer Support Centre in Oranmore. You can make a donation now by logging on to www.idonate.ie/handinhand or contact Áine on 091 483694, email aine@handinhand.ie for further details.