Free accredited training for jobs with customer service skills momentum course

Places are now available on Career & Life Planning's free customer service skills courses in Ballybane, Galway, and Loughrea. Both courses begin in September and will run for 23 weeks. 

This free Momentum programme is designed for anyone who enjoys interacting with people and would like the opportunity to gain a City & Guilds customer service qualification (Level 4 NFQ ) and work in a customer service or business support role. The programme is developed by experienced professionals who have the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to help you leave unemployment and adapt to employment quickly.

Career & Life Planning will be sourcing employment opportunities across a variety of sectors for work placement as part of the programme. The programme is broken down into four phases:

Induction (three weeks ).

Skills and employability training (10 weeks ).

Work placement (10 to 14 weeks ).

Employment support (six months ).

Am I eligible?

You should contact your DSP Intreo centre/local office to check and confirm your eligibility. As a general guide, applicants must be unemployed for 12 months or longer, in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance/Benefit or on the Live Register for 12 months or longer (signing on for social insurance contribution credits for 12 months or longer ), and be actively seeking work

For more information contact Career & Life Planning, Innovation in Business Centre, GMIT, Galway, phone 091 700220, email, or visit


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