Outback Jacks Ballybane to hold first birthday sale

Outback Jack’s Outdoor Gear and Active Sports Wear store owned by local Galway retailers Maureen and Derek Walsh will be celebrating their first year in business this weekend.

Outback Jack’s prime location in Ballybane has proved very popular with customers offering free parking, ease of access for caravans/campervans plus its new 2,300 sq ft pop up tent showroom. The showroom displayed various family six person and four person tents for the camping season.

Outback Jacks has developed into a leading technical clothing apparel and footwear store including fashionable outdoor clothing from brands Helly Hansen and Jack Wolfskin for the whole family. The shop has equipped groups heading to climb Kilimanjaro to pilgrims heading to the Camino in Spain.

Outback Jacks has supported local sporting events from when it first opened including the Claregalway 10K, Salthill Sprint and main sponsor of the Annaghdown 10K. They have begun to retail a range of performance running footwear for runners from Japanese brand Mizuno and US company Saucony.

Outback Jacks along with Peter Forde Physical Injury Massage Clinic will start their Get Fit Stay Fit running group in Ballybane from September. Its ecommerce website will launch in the coming weeks and will allow customers buy online. A main feature of the website is a live stock control system that ensures customer satisfaction and guarantees that products listed on their website will be in stock.

Click and collect will be offered on the website,and it allows customers check out products online and reserve them for instore collection. So if you’re in Barna, Kinvara, or Loughrea you can order online and get free delivery also. The company will be looking to offer same day dispatch with next day delivery on all orders received by 2pm. Outback Jacks owners Maireen and Derek Walsh and family would like to thank all their loyal customers for the support shown for their first year in business.

Try Outback Jacks in Ballybane Today -your home for outdoor gear and active sports wear. Subscribe to its monthly newsletter on www.outbackjacks.ie


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