‘Strike a blow’ and get in the ring for Galway Hospice

After a very successful launch last year, Strike a Blow is returning in 2015 for its second round and this time your efforts will help the Galway Hospice.

The programme consists of eight weeks of training that is designed to suit all fitness levels. Pete Foley and his team at Black Dragon Kickboxing Club will train and mentor you so that you are fully prepared and confident in your new found skills to enter the ring for your first competitive match which will be held in the Menlo Park Hotel on October 30.

White-collar boxing is a form of boxing that was established in New York in the late 1980s. It offers both men and women in white-collar professions and from all walks of life, the opportunity to train with and compete against suitably matched opponents. White-collar boxing’s inaugural competition was contested between two doctors and since then it has become the fastest growing corporate contact sport in the world.

Whether you have your sights on trying something new, improving your fitness levels, learning some self-defence, broadening your social circle or even satisfying a desire to contribute to a worthy charitable cause – the ‘Strike a Blow’ programme is for you. For the second year in a row, the programme has once again affiliated itself with Galway Hospice.

So dare to be brave to become fierce in eight weeks. Get fit and learn to box like a pro while supporting a great cause. Programme starts September 8, so contact Albert on (087 )7468440 for more information. Ding, ding!


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