Become a qualified fitness instructor with Maltings Training

Would you like to train as a fitness instructor? To work in a gym or leisure centre? To teach freelance classes? To conduct physical training sessions with teams? To make a positive contribution to the general health and wellbeing of people of all ages? Then become a qualified fitness instructor with Maltings Training.

Maltings Training is running a part time certificate in exercise and health fitness course (which is accredited by the University of Limerick ) in Galway commencing on September 25. It will run for three weekends a month (Friday evening and Saturday ) until May. This course is the only university accredited health and fitness instructor qualification in Ireland and this qualification is the highest placed fitness instructor qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications.

For more information or to book your place on the course call 057 8621216 or email Malting Trainings is currently taking applications so book now to avoid disappointment.


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