Guided heritage walks and fun art and heritage activities for children are among the free events taking place in Coole this August.
There will be guided walks on Monday August 3 and Sunday August 16 exploring the history and magical landscape of Coole. No booking is needed.
On Tuesday August 4, 11, and 18, and Wednesday August 26 the ever popular Open Your Eyes to Nature activities for children aged five to 10 years will take place. Using the senses, children can discover what lives and grows in Coole and make something to take home with them. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Places are limited and booking essential.
Coole will be busy for Heritage Week, taking place this year from Saturday August 22 to Sunday August 30.
There will be a family quiz/treasure trail throughout the week, with clues to find a trail to follow and fun for all. Participants can collect sheets at the visitor centre.
On Sunday August 23, in keeping with this year’s theme of built heritage, there will be a guided walk entitled ‘Coole Demesne - reminders of a working estate’. Coole Park is rich in vestiges of the time when it was a working landed estate, from the restored lime kiln to the remains of the horse pump and coach houses. Go on a guided stroll and explore these and other traces of a bygone era.
Saturday August 29 will feature an art activity for all ages called ‘Create Your Own Coole House’. Participants can recreate their own version of Coole House using craft materials (supplied ) and imagination.
On Sunday August 30 there will be a guided walk, ‘Me and Nu and Mr Yeats too’. “Mr Yeats used to stay with us at Coole from as far back as I can remember,” recalled Anne Gregory, granddaughter of Lady Augusta Gregory and author of Me and Nu: Childhood at Coole. This walk and talk will reveal what Lady Gregory’s granddaughters really thought of this famous visitor.
All walks and activities are free, start at the visitor centre at 3pm, and last approximately an hour and a half.
For more information contact Coole Park Visitor Centre at 091 631804 or email Coole is a project of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. See