Jim Kavanagh FundIt campaign for exhibition

Artist seeks to raise funds for COPE with autumn exhibition

GALWAY ARTIST Jim Kavanagh will hold an exhibition of his work, entitled As I See It, in September, with money raised from sales of the artwork going to COPE.

Jim is also running a FundIt campaign to help finance the exhibition, through fundit.ie/project/as-i-see-it---art-show-by-jim-kavanagh The campaign runs until Tuesday July 28 and the target is to raise €2,500 towards setting up and running As I See It, and Jim Kavanagh Art School Student’s Exhibition in the Market Street Gallery in Galway (the former Connacht Tribune Prints Works ).

The money will go towards catalogue printing, posters, insurance, lighting, PR, private view night. Rewards for those who donate include thanks in the catalogue, vouchers, paintings, or posters. Money raised from sale of catalogues, art works, collections will go to COPE, Galway.


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