Wingin' It - comedy improv @ The Loft

COMEDY AND theatre created on the spot and off the top of the head of the performer's head will be the stuff of Winging' It, a new monthly improv comedy and theatre night at The Loft @ Seven, hosted by The Sky Babies.

Wingin' It aims to provide entertainment, while introducing audiences to a wider variety of improvised theatre and comedy styles. Audience contributions and suggestions will be encouraged.

The Sky Babies - Zita McGowan, Órla Mc Govern, Darragh O'Brien, Niceol Blue, and Lali Morris, former Director of Baboró International Children's Festival - have played Electric Picnic, the Galway Fringe Festival, and Improv Fest Ireland. Their long form show Suitcase opened show the 2015 Galway Theatre Festival.

The opening night is Tuesday July 14 at 8.30pm. Wingin' It takes place on the second Tuesday of each month, featuring guest performers. Admission is €7 on the door and €5 online.


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