Try sailing at club open day

An open day for Galwegians interested in sailing will take place at the Galway Bay Sailing Club on Sunday May 24.

 Weather permitting the club will have cruisers, dinghies and multihulls available for those who would like to try out sailing, and powerboats to take people out for a spin. 

The club will have cruiser boats tied up alongside the pier so people can hop on board, meet the club sailors, and maybe hoist a sail or learn how to tie a bow line.

Junior sailors will participate in a parade of sail, while sailability sailors will show it is done for those with physical disabilities.

A club spokesperson says there will be something for all ages and all levels of fitness, and the club can provide buoyancy aids.

The open day will be held in conjunction with Try Sailing, a grass roots initiative launched by the Irish Sailing Association.

The open day takes place at the club's Renville base from  10am to 3pm.


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