The Way Back Home

Major theatre show for children @ Black Box

A BOY discovers a single-propeller aeroplane in his closet, which amazingly allows him fly into space, where he meets an alien who needs a friend and some help.

This is The Way Back Home, a theatrical adaptation by Marc MacLochlainn and Bjarne Sandborg, of Oliver Jeffers’ book, which comes to the Black Box Theatre on Saturday May 16 and Sunday 17 at 1pm and 3pm.

Presented by children’s theatre company Branar Téatar do Pháistí and Denmark’s Teatar Refleksion, and performed by Neasa Ní Chuanaigh and Apo Reppo, The Way Back Home combines puppetry, animation, music, and design.

The Way Back Home was recently staged in Denmarks’s celebrated Aprilfestival, the first Irish production to featured in the Aprilfestival’s programme. The show is suitable for children aged four and up. Set and puppet design is by Mariann Aagaard with music by Henrik Andersen.

Tickets are available from the Town Hall on 091 - 569777 or See also


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