ARTWORKS MIMICKING 12” vinyl on a record player, a man with an ever growing beard, a giraffe crossing the Salmon Weir bridge - all of these can be seen in a new exhibition in the Galway Arts Centre.
My City, My Identity is the new exhibition from the Red Bird Youth Collective, in association with Galway Diocesan Youth Services. It features work by a group of young people from foreign countries who now live in Galway, where the young artists reflect on their native land and their new home. The goal was to link cultural elements of the home country of each participant to their new locale of Galway. The project was facilitated by artist Liz Lynott, who specialises in hand drawn animation. Liz has led the group through the history of animation from Phenakistoscope to the more modern aspects of computer-aided animation.
Red Bird Youth Collective is a visual art group for young people living in Galway city and county. Established in 2011 by Galway Arts Centre, it has received funding from The Arts Council, and the Galway County Council to deliver large scale, youth-led projects in visual art, film, architecture, digital media, performance and literature projects, in collaboration with professional artists.
Galway Diocesan Youth Services were founded in the 1970s to meet the needs of homeless and marginalised young people. GDYS run the Number 4 Project, in St Augustine Street, which aims to enhance the quality of young people’s lives by providing an effective and holistic response to a wide variety of issues pertaining to young people between the ages of 13 and 25.
My City My Identity opens tomorrow [Thursday April 30] at 2pm and runs until Wednesday May 13. For more information on Galway Diocesan Youth Services call 091 - 568483 or email For more information on Red Bird Youth Collective see