Sports Shorts

•Club Iomanaíochta & Camogaíochta Bearna/Na Forbacha is having its 11th annual social on Saturday at 8pm in the Connemara Coast Hotel. Tickets are available from Johnny Curran 087-6910905 or Donna Cox 087-6340846. The club will hold its registration of players for 2009 on Sunday February 8 in the Connemara Coast Hotel at 5pm. All underage and adult players are requested to register on the day.

•Special Olympics Ireland will hold an aquatics event in Leisureland in Galway on Wednesday February 4, commencing at 10am and finishing at 3.30pm. This regional event will boast athletes, coaches, volunteers, and supporters from all corners of Connacht whic is a qualifying event to the Special Olympics Ireland Games in Limerick in June 2010 and then the World Games in Athens Greece in 2011.


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