Galway Soccer Co-Op to elect its first board

The Galway Soccer Co-operative Society Ltd will hold its annual general meering on Sunday week, April 26, at 7.30pm in Hotel Meyrick to elect its first committee.

An appeal is being made to Galway United supporters to join the co-op and help to build it so it can achieve the objective of taking over, and sustaining, controlling and continuing to drive the success of premier division soccer in Galway.

A spokesperson for the group says it will not happen overnight, and it cannot be done by a board alone, but needs a strong membership.

“When the seven-strong working group set about establishing the co-op, it set a first-year target of 300 members. There is just short of 200 members at this time, which is in line with expectations four months since the launch. It is also in line with trends achieved in other, already established, football co-ops.

“Until the co-op has big numbers, it will only be marginal players in the full picture. As we build our membership, we are creating a great community to support the club, a community that the players will want to play for,” the spokesperson said.

The AGM is only open to members of the co-op, and all committee positions are open to nominations. Those unable to attend can still nominate someone.

Membership for the year is €30, and there will be a membership stand at Friday night’s game against Limerick FC in Eamonn Deacy Park beside the club shop at the clubhouse end of the ground. Also visit


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