Works continue in Lough Atalia next week and the council has issued an update to ensure members of the public are up to speed on the situtaion.
The temporary traffic management plan will remain in place with traffic flow reduced to a shuttle operation. A traffic management operative will be manually controlling traffic on the site to ensure traffic does not obstruct access / junctions.
Enabling / Preparation Works for the Lough Atalia road closure
In preparation for the Lough Atalia road closure, roadworks are required at the locations listed below. Temporary traffic management measures will be put in place with localised re-routing of traffic through the junctions. Traffic management operatives will be on site to control pedestrians and traffic around the works areas.
· Roadworks to modify two traffic islands on Dock Street will take place on Monday March 30 during off peak hours which are 9.30am-4pm and 8pm-11pm.
· Roadworks to remove the traffic island at the junction of Merchants Road with Victoria Place will take place on Tuesday March 31 during off peak hours.
· Roadworks to modify two traffic islands at the junction of Fairgreen Road with Forster Street / College Road will take place on Tuesday March 31 and Wednesday April 1 during off peak hours.
· Roadworks to modify the traffic islands at the junction of Lough Atalia Road/ College Road / Loyola Park will take place from Monday March 30 through to Friday April 3. Works affecting traffic flow will take place during off peak hours
· Roadworks to excavate trenches across Fairgreen Road between the junction with the Revenue Office and the junction with Lough Atalia Road will take place on Tuesday March 31 and Wednesday April 1 during off peak hours. The works will require temporary traffic management to be in place where traffic will be reduced to a shuttle operation. A traffic management operative will be manually controlling traffic on the site.
Road Closure Programme
The closure of Lough Atalia Road under the Railway Bridge is scheduled to commence Tuesday April 7. A detailed update on the traffic management plan for these workswill be released in due course.
Galway City Council has appointed Tom Cannon of TOBIN Consulting Engineers, as public liaison engineer to the project for the duration of the works. Mr Cannon will be available to answer any queries from residents, businesses and the general public from 9am – 5pm, Mon-Fri. and can be contacted on 086 166 6653 or email on