Welcome in the summer by being active for ACT

Ok, so you’re losing an hour in bed this weekend, but sure if you didn’t know about it, you’d probably stay up late anyway wasting an hour doing things and eating things you shouldn’t. But how about challenging yourself to give up an hour or so and get back something much greater in return.

A year ago here I wrote about the impact that the death of one beautiful little girl was to have, not only on her family, but eventually on every family in this region and beyond. When Noel and Siobhan Carroll lost their precious Aoibhe, their pain was limitless and it still is. Now though it is tempered slightly by the wonderful legacy that her life has left.

This weekend, in memory of her short life, ACT for Meningitis is holding a day of activities at Renville Park near Oranmore. It is a wondrous location for all family activities, strolls, picnics, playing, walking, and exercising.

How about celebrating the first day of official summertime, enjoying that stretch in the morning and that stretch in the evening by stretching yourself to doing something energetic for ACT for Meningitis. There is a choice for everyone.

The day kicks off with a 20k TT Cycle, supported by Galway Bay Cycle Club. Sign on will be from 8.30am – 9.15am at the Oranmore Community Centre, Oranmore, Galway, with the first rider off at 10am.

The 5k Run/Walk, a fully-time chipped and certified route from Renville Park which is supported by Amphibian King West, will begin at 11am.

The final challenge of the day is the Duathlon supported by Predator Triathlon Club and Warehouse Gym Galway, a 3k run followed by a 16k cycle and ends with another 3k run.

Information on all the events and registration for all is at www.iregister.ie/rememberingaoibhe For further information see www.facebook.com/rememberingaoibhe, email Dawn at info@actformeningitis.ie or call 091 380058.

In Oranmore next Sunday, there will be hundreds of serious athletes all vying to cross the line first and I am hoping that there will be hundreds more like me, just keen to drag our sorry asses around that course to help this worthy cause, to lend support to Siobhan and Noel and their family and friends, and to get that beautiful feeling you get in your soul when you’ve burned a few calories or used a few brain cells for a great cause.

Even if you can’t walk or run or cycle, then come along and enjoy and support those who will. Donate and contribute the gift of yourself.

Not long after I wrote that piece on that page about young Aoibhe, I myself fell victim to a viral illness not a million miles away from meningitis and I got to know the fleeting nature by which a family can be thrown into a maelstrom of confusion and helplessness by a sudden illness. ACT for Meningitis are there for to allay the fears of every family and for that we thank the Carrolls for their generosity and energy. I’m running for them on Sunday. So should you. And Aoibhe will look down on us and make sure we get back across that finishing line safely. Let’s be havin’ you.


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