Quest service users launch information brochure to mark Brain Awareness Week

Service users of Quest compiled an information brochure to aide other people who have suffered an acquired brain injury. The bropchure was launched to acknowledge Brain Awareness Week 2015.

Quest is a HSE-funded programme delivered in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Whilst partaking in Quest there is an initial assessment and planning stage with the client and the family in order to assess their needs and rehabilitation goals. Specialist assessments such as neuropsychological, occupational therapy, cognitive, educational and vocational will be carried out where appropriate.

Service delivery is done through a combination of attending a centre for individual or small group sessions and working in the clients own home / workplace/ community.Collaboration with the clients family and friends is encouraged. This is to ensure that skills and strategies learned are carried over to everyday life.

Quest work with other agencies and organizations to ensure continuity and consistency of recovery strategies.

Their programmes include

— Brain Injury education and management

— Life Skills

— Personal and social skills

— Cognitive rehabilitation

— Speech and language support

— Vocational & training/ education support

— Return to work preparation

— Information technology

— Learning supports

— Family and carer programme

Quest is open to ABI survivors aged between the ages of 18 and 65 years of age who reside in Galway, Mayo & Roscommon. Quest is fully funded by the HSE and there is no charge to programme participants.


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