Galway Study Centre Easter revision courses

The Galway Study Centre will offer two weeks of intensive revision during the Easter holiday period. Leaving Cert revision will take place during the first week of the holidays, from Monday March 31 to Saturday April 4, while the Junior Cert classes will be held from Tuesday April 7 to Saturday April 11. In addition, during the second week, a strictly supervised study programme will be available to Leaving Cert students.

The study centre at Mill Street has been running successful revision courses at Easter for the past 32 years. A wide choice of subjects is available to pick from and classes are taught by a team of highly experienced teachers who strive to get the best from each student. Key topical areas in each subject are dealt with and there will be constant emphasis on exam techniques. Teaching is backed up by comprehensive study and revision notes. Class sizes generally are kept small, especially language classes, where a lot of the emphasis will be on preparation for the oral examinations which take place immediately after the holidays.

Easter, which takes place early this year, is an excellent time for revision, coming as it does shortly after the mocks. The combination of top class experienced teachers, smaller class groups, and the right study atmosphere at the Galway Study Centre is designed to help students maximise their study efforts at this time of the year in the run up to the June examinations.

Parents and students who are interested in enrolling for any of the Easter revision courses, or Easter supervised study, should visit Timetables, course content, fees lists, and application forms can be downloaded from the website. Alternatively, call 091 564254 or visit the centre at Mill Street.


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