Paul Durcan and Joseph O’Neill to read at Cúirt

The poets Paul Durcan and John Montague, as well as the Booker nominated novelist Joseph O’Neill will read at the Cúirt International Festival of Literature which will  run from April 21 to 27 in venues across Galway city and county.

The festival, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary, will be launched on Tuesday March 10 at 6pm in The House Hotel by Galway restaurateur and chef JP McMahon. Other writers at the festival will be Galway writer Mary Costello, who will read from her debut novel Academy Street; Hennessy Fiction Award winner Sara Baume, author of Spill Simmer Falter Wither; while Galway based writer and visual artist Claire-Louise Bennett will launch her debut short story collection Pond.

Cúirt is also affiliated with Yeats2015 and will feature a number of events marking the 150th anniversary of the poet’s birth and his connections to Galway. There will be a literary outing to Coole Park and Thoor Ballylee on Tuesday April 21, where a dramatic recital of Yeats’ work will take place. This will be followed by an event on Friday 24 at 8pm at An Taibhdhearc, featuring poems of Yeats accompanied by musical compositions.

The full programme will be available in hardcopy and to download from March 10 on


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