The graphic novels that are also an art exhibition

THE CREATION of a graphic novel, from the initial idea, to storyboard stage, to the finished product, available for people to read online, forms Before You Fade Away, a new exhibition which opens this weekend in the Galway Arts Centre.

Before You Fade Away, by the Red Bird Youth Collective, opens this Saturday at 2pm and will be an installation showing the process of the creation of the novels. This will be accompanied by the graphic novels themselves being available to read on In advance of the opening, the Galway Advertiser presents a selection of works from the show:


The workshops where the graphic novels were created ran from October to January and were facilitated by artist, cartoonist, animator, and film-maker. Maeve Clancy. Red Bird members looked at different narrative techniques used in graphic novels. Taking a fine art approach to their work, the aim was not to replicate existing ideas, but to re-present these in the form of an installation. Throughout, the participants were also introduced to ideas of deconstruction, appropriation, and collage.

Red Bird Youth Collective is a visual art group for young people in Galway city and county. Established in 2011 by Galway Arts Centre. The current graphic novel project is enabled through The Arts Council of Ireland’s Youth Ensemble Scheme and local authority funding.

Red Bird Youth Collective members work on a diverse range of projects, including visual art, film, architecture, digital media, performance, and literature projects. Red Birds also learn the administrative background to these projects, enabling them to recreate similar ventures outside of the group.

The exhibitioin runs until Saturday March 7. For more information on Red Bird Youth Collective email or see


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