NUI Galway to host application clinic for school leavers with disabilities

In advance of the CAO application deadline, NUI Galway will run an application advice clinic for students and parents who are interested in applying for access to college through the HEAR and DARE schemes. The clinic will be held on Saturday January 10 from 10am to 2pm in the Bailey Allen Hall.

The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE ) is a college and university admission scheme which offers places on reduced points to school leavers with disabilities under 23 years old.

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR ) is a college and university admission scheme which also offers places on reduced points to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are under 23 years of age.

Both schemes are part of a range of initiatives to encourage a greater number of applications to third level from groups of students who find it difficult to progress to college due to personal, cultural or financial challenges.

The advice clinic is open to Leaving Certificate students, their parents or guardians, teachers and guidance counsellors. Those considering making an application to either scheme can drop in for one-to-one guidance and support on applying to the HEAR and DARE schemes.

Advisers will offer guidance on how to make a completed application to either or both schemes. The aim of the advice clinics is to reduce the number of incomplete applications received by directly explaining to applicants and their families the supporting documentation required and answering any queries they may have.

According to Sinéad Quinn, Irish Universities’ Association, HEAR/DARE development officer, and formerly of NUI Galway: “The clinic provides extremely useful information on applying for the HEAR and DARE programmes. If anyone has any queries about any aspect of these courses, I would really encourage them to attend.”

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