Galway projects short-listed in four categories of LAMA Community and Council Awards

Baboró children’s arts festival is among the finalists for the 2015 LAMA Community and Council Awards. The Local Authority Members Association represents elected councillors nation-wide and the awards celebrate communities, schools, and councils working together. The accolades have expanded annually reflecting ongoing changes in society and have grown in popularity since their inception in 2006.

In total, four projects in Galway have made the awards shortlist this year. Baboró is in the running to be named Local Festival/Event of the year while Westside based St Michael’s GAA club has been shortlisted in the Local Sports Club of the Year category. The Galway Online Video Bank of Tourist Attractions is in the running for Best Tourism Initiative and Galway man Vincent Lyons is a contender for Community Volunteer of the Year.

Chairperson of the LAMA Executive, Cllr Mags Murray, says she is delighted to see so many innovative projects being recognised. Councillor Murray also paid tribute to awards sponsor, Irish owned insurance company IPB. “I would like to extend my congratulations to all who have reached the final. The LAMA awards are distinctive in that they celebrate councils and communities working together, every year I am amazed at the wonderful work being carried out across the nation. We are also delighted to be partnering once again with IPB, this is the fifth year of the partnership which has grown from strength to strength.”

This year’s LAMA Community and Council Award winners will be announced at the gala awards ceremony, hosted by Miriam O’Callaghan at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin, on Saturday January 24.


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