Exercise your motivation at The Coast Club

Whether you are an habitual exerciser or just starting out on the road to fitness, you will encounter a time when your motivation level will suffer. Sometimes it may even drop off a cliff.

Here are some motivation tips to keep you on track.

Set the goals

Setting daily or weekly goals can be invaluable. For example, if you jogged 5km in 35 minutes last week, your goal this week could be to cover the same distance in 33 minutes, or set yourself a weekly or monthly target of distance covered.

Chart the way

Charting your progress helps provide focus and a sense of achievement. For example, you could plot your distance on a map, keep a diary of your progress, or create a bar chart or graph.

Buddy up

It can also help to find a training partner or two. This way you are also introducing some friendly competition, which will further boost motivation. You can also track each others’ progress and agree a prize for the ‘winner’.

At The Coast Club at The Connemara Coast Hotel the team strive to deliver varied trainer-led programmes to suit your needs and to keep motivational levels up.

Call now to organise a free VIP pass to see the club. Contact 091 503904/592108 or email coastclub@connemaracoast.ie for further details.


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