Lapland governor visits west a week ahead of Lapland’s other famous representative

The Governor of Lapland is in Galway this week to explore links with the West Region and also funding opportunities.

 Mika Riipi, Governor or Lapland, is visiting the West Region this week to explore European cooperation in the areas of wellbeing, social safety and tourism. There is also a meeting to discuss potential funding opportunities as part of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014 – 2020.

 Lapland, which is located in the north of Finland, is the largest region with a quarter of the total land mass. However, it is also the most sparsely populated region with only 3.4 per cent of the population. Agriculture and tourism are key industries.

  “I am delighted to come to Ireland, in particular the West Region, to explore areas where we can cooperate and develop partnerships to leverage European funding” Governor Riipi stated. “There are many common challenges such as remoteness, employment opportunities and maintaining services. With that, there are also opportunities to cooperate and develop initiatives that would benefit both regions”.

Mayor of Galway, Cllr Donal Lyons explained that through Galway’s involvement in the WHO European Healthy Cities project, Galway is connected across Europe and is in a position to learn from others and leverage funding. Galway is delighted to host the Governor of Lapland.”

 When asked about Santa Claus, Mr Riipi said “Santa is really busy, but everything is looking good for Ireland on  December 24 – just make sure to be in bed early!”


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