Twenty five years swimming for COPE Galway’s annual Christmas Day swim

The annual COPE Galway Christmas Day Swim will this year be 25 years in existence and the local charity is calling on all Galwegians to once again don the togs and make a splash in order to raise much needed funds. It is aiming to raise €50,000 from the swim to help vulnerable and isolated people in Galway.

The COPE Galway Christmas Day swim, which is this year sponsored by Castle Print, aims to raise money to help fund their local services in homelessness, domestic violence and for older people. The swim will take place at Blackrock, Salthill from 10am to 1pm.

Each year, hundreds make the COPE Galway annual swim part of their Christmas morning tradition - meeting friends and neighbours and taking the plunge together.  In honour of its 25th year, COPE Galway is hoping to attract 250 people to raise €200 so as to reach their target of €50,000.

“The COPE Galway Christmas Day Swim has become a tradition for many Galwegians on Christmas Day and this year we are celebrating 25 years of the event. By signing up and coming out on the day you are helping to provide food, warmth and vital support to people who are going through difficult times in their lives. People who have been affected by homelessness, domestic violence and isolation. All funds raised through the swim go towards helping people locally which makes is a real, Galway event,” explained David Muldoon, Fundraising Manager, COPE Galway.

COPE Galway provide a number of 24/7 services including a domestic violence refuge and two homelessness hostels in the city. As well as that they deliver almost 40,000 meals on wheels to older people in Galway city and county. Funds from the swim will go towards keeping these vital services operating.

The COPE Galway Christmas Day Swim takes place at Blackrock on Christmas morning from 10am to 1pm. Registration costs €10 and includes a ‘Fundraising Pack’ and a limited edition 25th year commemorative t-shirt.

To register for the 25th Annual COPE Galway Christmas Day Swim which is sponsored by Castle Print or to be a volunteer on the day log onto or call 091-778750.

More information about COPE Galway’s services can be found at


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