The Little Cinema’s 12 Days of Christmas

Charity events in Róisín Dubh, Kelly’s, and The Cellar

THE LITTLE CINEMA is hosting a series of events entitled 12 Days Of Christmas, which involves film screenings, music and comedy, a Galway twist on Celebrity Mastermind, and a games night.

During the 12 Days Of Christmas, the Little Cinema will endeavour to raise at least €1,000 for Hand In Hand, the Oranmore based charity which provides support for families in the west of Ireland affected by childhood cancer.

Tomorrow [Friday December 11] at The Cellar Bar from 8.30pm there will be a music and comedy show featuring musicians Steven Sharpe, David Owens, Dylan Murphy, Tracy Bruen and comedians Johnny Graham and Bob Hennigan. The MC is Steve Bennett. Admission is €3.

The Little Cinema will host its own version of Celebrity Mastermind on Sunday at 8pm in Kelly’s Bar, Bridge Street. The contestants are Gar O’Brien, Galway Film Fleadh programmer, whose specialist subject will be Batman comics; Dave Coyne, who hosts the regular Movie Table Quiz in Galway, on James Bond; NUI Galway lecturer John Breslin on Star Trek; Tracy Geraghty, project manager of the Solas Picture House on Irish Film Board Films 1993-1998; and Lelia Doolan, ex-chair of the Irish Film Board and co-founder of the Galway Film Fleadh, on Singing In The Rain. Admission is €5.

On Monday 15 at 7pm, Galway Gaming Tribes will host a night of board and console games at its regular gaming night in Kelly’s Bar upstairs, including a Mario Kart competition. There will also be a special run of werewolves.

Video games to be played include Ultra Street Fighter 4, Smash Bros Wii U, Nidhogg, and Gang Beasts. Board games will include quick, pick up and play titles (Apples to Apples, Love Letter, Werewolves ) and long form strategy based games (Game of Thrones, Talisman ). Galway Pokémon trainers will host casual battles and/or trades for Pokemon X/Y . Entry is free but games are played on a pay per play basis with all money raised going to Hand In Hand.

The Little Cinema will host a table quiz in the Róisín Dubh on Tuesday 16 at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Tables are €20 for four people. If you do not know an answer, give a funny answer and if it gets read out, your team wins a point.

The Little Cinema Christmas Special is on Wednesday 17 at 8pm. Festive shorts will be screened. Galway caricature artist Allan Cavanagh will do caricatures for a donation to Hand In Hand. See for tickets.

The Little Cinema will host a Mystery Screening on Saturday December 20 with a bus taking people to a secret location for a Christmas film screening. Those interested should email the Little Cinema for tickets and be at the cathedral at 6.15pm to get the bus.

Proceeds from all events go to Hand In Hand ( ). For more information see the Little Cinema’s Facebook or Twitter or email littlecinemagalway


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