New book on life in Ardrahan

ARDRAHAN, ITS people, life, and times from the 1930s to the 1960s, is the subject of a new book, Two Cigarettes Coming Down the Boreen, which will be launched this weekend.

Two Cigarettes Coming Down the Boreen: Oral Narratives from a South Galway Community by Pauline Bermingham Scully, and published by Arlen House, will be launched by Galway Advertiser chairman Ronnie O’Gorman this Saturday at 7pm in Bradley’s Bar, Labane, Ardrahan.

The book collects oral history reminiscences from the people of Ardrahan and surrounding areas of south Galway, shedding light on individual lives and country life from the 1930s to the 1960s, such as water coming not from a tap but from a well or pump and life before rural electrification.

The book will be available in Galway city bookshops, and online, with free postage internationally, from


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