New book collects Yeats' Galway poems

SOUTH GALWAY, the location of Coole Park and Thoor Ballylee, was special to WB Yeats and an area where he spent some 30 summers, composing many of his finest works.

Those poems are now collected in a new publication, Galway Poems of WB Yeats, published by The Kiltartan Gregory Cultural Society. The book is beautifully illustrated and contains such well-known poems as ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ and ‘An Irish Airman foresees his Death’.

Galway Poems of WB Yeats will be launched on Friday December 5 at 8pm in the Lady Gregory Hotel, Gort, by Joe Cox, a lecturer in Sligo IT and ex-president of the Yeats Society.

All are welcome and refreshments will be served on the night. Next year also marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Yeats. See


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