Industry-University partnerships in graduate education can address key barriers to innovation by providing access to research expertise and infrastructure and market insights, but a new approach is needed to support the realisation of the full scientific, technological and commercial potential of Ireland.
To this end, the College of Science at NUI Galway is hosting the Regional Innovation through Graduate Education workshop, on MondayDec 1.
This event is an opportunity for SMEs and larger companies with interests in R&D collaborations to network with NUI Galway Academics and discuss mechanisms of reciprocal engagement. Representatives of the engineering and R&D departmments of larger companies as well as executives of smaller industries are most welcome to the event.
The objective is for industry and university to work together and set the course for a new generation of highly-skilled graduate students with the capacity to enter the job market where Ireland’s regional industry needs it most.
Attendees will be particularly encouraged to explore the possibility to establish enterprise-led graduate research projects and joint employment-based M.Sc.and Ph.D.s; as well as shorter-term feasibility studies at NUI Galway's laboratories; and research placements for students at industrial sites.
The participation of State Agencies, with a stake in the delivery of post-graduate education and industry development, will provide guidance on existing and forthcoming opportunities.
The event will start at 1pm with a networking reception in the Aula Maxima at NUI Galway.
For more information, please email: “”; or call: 091.494135
Free registration: