JCI Galway have introduced TECHGATE, a new technology expo promoting and highlighting the wealth of businesses in this ever-growing section in the west of Ireland. TECHGATE will have three different pillars at the event - the Expo, the Talks and the Awards.
The night will include some of leading start-ups from the West of Ireland as well as some of the better established technology companies showcasing their products and brands. Also there will be a series of Tech Talks with speakers from different areas of the market including representatives from Google, boards.ie, OnePageCRM and Ex Ordoto name a few.
Finally there will be a series of interactive Technology Awards, which are nominated and voted by the public and will be given out on the night.
Producer of the event Keith Killilea is delighted to announce the first of its kind event.
“I’m so thrilled to launch this event, which can be considered as a mini web summit, an informal gathering across the technology sector and a cool send off for the year end.
“It’s a great opportunity for the sector to showcase what the west of Ireland has to offer and I hope everyone gets involved”
This free event is on upstairs in Monroe’s on December 3, starting at 7pm. If you would like to book a stand for this event, register to attend or find out more information please email techgate@jcigalway.org or check out the website www.techgate.jcigalway.org o find us on Facebook/Twitter.