Winnie’s show to open in Headford next week

Eilish O'Carroll, sister of Brendan O'Carroll and star of Mrs Brown’s Boys, has written a one-woman play based on her own life, and it opens in Headford next week.

From growing up the second youngest of a family of ten in 1950s Catholic Ireland to being recognised every where she goes as Mrs Browns neighbour Winnie McGoogan.

She has only just returned from Scotland after filming two Mrs Browns Boys Christmas specials for the BBC and she will be presenting her show Live, Love, Laugh in Headford Hall on Friday and Saturday November 7 and 8 at 9pm.

A happy but damaged childhood set Eilish O'Carroll on the road to stardom.

An unhappy, abusive marriage helped pave the way too, as did the realisation, at the age of 40, that she may have been living a lie all her life.

Laugh out loud funny, Live, Love, Laugh has a darkness at its heart, the shadow of a 1950s Irish Catholic upbringing. Guilt plays a part in almost every story, whether EilishO'Carroll is jiggling about on the bus seat, making her first confession, or simply recalling some of her more painful memories. Uncomfortable listening at times, this is a brave, no holds barred performance. O'Carroll bears her soul with an honesty, and energy, that verges on the cathartic as she faces the demons of her past not least her school teacher, the sinister Mrs Flynn.

A tale of self-discovery, Live Love Laugh finally finds the petite O'Carroll sharing stories of life on the road with Mrs Brown's Boys before she draws to a close with some poignant words of advice. Tickets are on sale in many local businesses or can be booked at 093 35277 or 087 647 3966.


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