Flannery calls on Bishop to make donation to LGBT centre to make up for ‘disgraceful’ comments

Fine Gael Councillor for Galway West Pearce Flannery has come out strongly in support of the call for the provision of a LGBT resource centre in Galway.

Speaking yesterday he said that if we live in a society that purports to support equality then we must support this stance by committed action and and demonstrate our collective resolve to ensure that all members of our community have an equal voice.

He said that he has submitted a motion to Galway City Council supporting the call for an LGBT resource centre.

“This call is all the more important in the light of the disgraceful comments by Bishop Martin Drennan recently. I feel Martin Drennan spoke without considering the implications and the hurt he has caused.

“He has rowed back from his initial comments and indicated that he regretted his statement. Therefore I am calling on him to follow his words with action and demonstrate his commitment to equality by making a contribution to the LGBT resource centre from diocesan funds,” he said.

The motion reads as follows:

“That Galway City Council as an affirmation of its commitment to equality work towards supporting in every way it can including making a provision for funding in the City budget, for AMACH! LGBT Galway Ltd to enable them to acquire a suitable premises for an LGBT resource centre.”

“Galway City Council should also recognise publicly, support and endeavour to play a pivotal role in any way it can to support the work of the Inter Agency Working Group and SVP Maureen O’Connell Fund which has proven crucial in assisting the LGBT community in meeting the needs of Galway’s LGBT community and their families.”

Pearce Flannery went on to state that this is not simply a gay rights issue.

“It is an issue of equality for all in all of its forms. One does not need to be gay, or marginalised in any way to support the need for equality in our society. As a society we need to demonstrate out maturity by ensuring that we are seen to listen to and support all of our members, whatever their personal situation. We must at all times protect the philosophy that we are a society of equals,” he added.


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