Muintir Mhaigh Eo Gaillimh, Mayo Association Galway, will hold its annual business networking event in Galway next week.
Guest speaker at this year’s event will be Barry O’Sullivan, CEO of Altocloud, a Silicon Valley technology company which also has a base in Galway. Previously, Mr O’Sullivan was senior vice president at Cisco Systems where he was general manager of several divisions including collaboration, unified communications, and voice over IP.
Mr O’Sullivan has spent most of his career in Silicon Valley, joining Cisco in 2002, having previously been GM of Nortel’s contact centre software business. He is an active technology investor and is co-founder of the Irish Technology Leadership, a group of senior Irish American technology executives. He also serves on the board of COPE Galway, a charity focused on reducing isolation and homelessness.
Recently Barry O’Sullivan has been on our screens at one of the dragons in RTE’s Dragons Den. The show features entrepreneurs who pitch their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from a panel of venture capitalists.
The aim of the business networking event is to promote and enhance stronger networking opportunities for businesses throughout both Mayo and Galway via the broad range of sectoral interests with which the association has links.
The event will take place in the Galway Bay Hotel on Friday, 17th October at 4pm. The cost per ticket is €30, which will include a three course meal with wine.
Tickets are available from Muintir Mhaigh Eo Gaillimh members or by contacting Maureen Egan (087 ) 6907903, Monica Heneghan (087 ) 9306028, Lorraine Walsh (086 ) 3335658, or PJ King on (087 ) 2204350, or by emailing
Tickets will not be available after Saturday October 11.