Memorial service for deceased GUH patients

An ecumenical memorial service for deceased patients of Galway University Hospital will take place at the staff canteen of the Nurses’ Home at UHG at 7pm on Thursday October 9.

The service, which is in its fifth year, is organised by the End of Life Care Committee and the hospital chaplains.

This year’s event will take place on a weekday to facilitate demands on families’ times at weekends.

Rev John Godfrey, Church of Ireland will lead his fellow chaplains, Imam Shiekh: Khalid Sallabi, Galway Islamic Culture Centre, Rev Helen Freeburn, Galway’s United Methodist Presbyterian Church, Mr Ray Gately, MPUH and Fr Rob McNamara who will deliver the homily.

Staff from different departments at the hospital will participate in the readings, assist in the candle lighting ceremony which is a very important part of the service, and will also provide the music.

Tea and coffee will be served after the service to allow people who attend to meet staff who cared for their relatives, as well as to share their experience with other bereaved families.

People interested in attending the service or learning more about the event should contact Adrienne Newell, social work department at (091 ) 544089 or Sheila Gardiner, clinical placement facilitator at (091 ) 524222 - bleep 984 or Anne McKeown, bereavement liaison officer at (091 ) 544823.


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