Marie Mullen to open this year’s Autumn Gathering

ONE OF Ireland’s best known actors, and co-founder of the famous Druid Theatre, Marie Mullen, will officially open the 20th Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering in Gort on Friday week September 29.

Marie, is at present starring in a double Tom Murphy bill at the Town Hall Theatre, prior to its opening in Dublin. She is, of course, no stranger to the Galway stage. Her present performance in the Murphy world premiere Brigit, followed by Bailegangaire, has prompted standing ovations each night. She is on stage for practically four hours, and delivers a tour de force performance that has delighted audiences and critics alike. Ms Mullen as previously won many awards, including a Tony Award, the highest accolade that Broadway can bestow.

This year’s Autumn Gathering, from Friday September 29 to Sunday morning, will include talks by Nicholas Greene, professor of English Literature at Trinity, and a discussion on the ‘lasting monuments’ of trees in the lives of Lady Gregory and James Joyce. Niall MacCoitir will talk on the myths and legends associated with the trees at Coole park.

There are walks planned through the woods at Coole, a candlelit dinner in the old stable area, where Ann Marie Horan will present a short play: Nora Barnacle - Signora Joyce.

On Sunday morning, thanks to the generosity of proprietor Mark Helmore, there is a visit to the Gregory home at Mount Vernon, on Clare’s famous flaggy shore. There will be a tribute to Seamus Heaney by professor Eamon Grennan (rt ), Vassar College, music by the Little Acorns, an audio documentary In Praise of Trees by the celebrated author and radio producer, John Quinn; followed by a tribute to the Gathering’s late founder and much loved friend, Sheila O’Donnellan.

In the Gort theatre that evening The Wild Swans Theatre group will present The Workhouse Ward, by Lady Gregory, followed by The Muse and Mr Yeats by the Curlew Theatre Company.

A limited number of tickets are still available from Marion Cox through 086 - 8053917.


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