Monroes fundraiser to help paralysed UHG nurse spend Christmas at home

A fundraiser will be held at Monroe’s Tavern, Dominick Street, on Friday September 26 from 8pm to raise money for an oncology nurse who was left paralysed from the waist down following a spinal stroke earlier this year.

Karen Rogan, a long standing oncology nurse with University Hospital Galway, suffered the paralysis due to a stroke in her spinal cord which occurred on June 25. Numerous tests failed to reveal what caused the spinal stroke and little is known about the rare occurrence as it represents only one per cent of all strokes.

After spending 11 weeks in Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, Karen was last week transferred to the National Rehabilitation Centre in Dun Laoghaire to undergo further intensive rehabilitative therapy. It is hoped that Karen, who is married to Peter and has three children - Ruaidhri (five ) and twins Roisin and Tess (five months ) - will be able to return to Galway at the end of the year to celebrate Christmas with her family.

To make this a reality, her family and friends are currently fund raising in order to purchase the equipment required to assist Karen with her rehabilitation and living a full life.

Thanks to the kind donations of a number of prominent Galway businesses, a fantastic array of prizes will be raffled on the night. Generous sponsors include Zenith Hairdressing, Aran Island Ferries, Glenlo Abbey, Kenny’s Bookshop, Cloon Keen Atelier, Prego Shoe Boutique, Gourmet Tart Company, White Gables, Hartmann’s Jewellers, Stafford Lynch, The House Hotel, Martine’s Quay Street Wine Bar and Restaurant, Renvyle House Hotel, Car Parts Warehouse, Talents Hair Salon, Abbeyglen Castle Hotel, Ice House Hotel, University Late Night Pharmacy, Dangan Nurseries, Kearney’s Cycles, Seymour’s Loughrea, Ri Na Mara, Anthony Ryan’s, and The Meyrick Hotel.

Monroe’s Tavern will provide the venue free of charge for the event which will feature entertainment by Ballinrobe band Quality Street.

Raffle tickets are only €2 each and are available from St Joseph’s, St Patrick’s, and the oncology day wards at University Hospital Galway. Tickets to the fundraising event are €10 and may be purchased in advance or on the door on the night. All funds raised will go directly to Karen to assist with her rehabilitation and recovery.

Anyone who cannot attend on the night but would like to make a donation can do so directly by accessing account details which will soon be available on the Facebook link: https://www.facebook.c om/events/1533914763504866/.


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