A night of Scottish culture at Celtic Tales

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18 will be a momentous day in Scottish history as the nation goes to the polls to decide whether or not to become an independent state.

If the Scottish people vote ‘Yes’, it will mark the first time Scotland has been independent since the Act of Union in 1707. Even if the answer is ‘No’, the status quo will not remain as the British Chancellor George Osborne has promised a timetable for further devolution regardless.

The vote will be marked in Galway at the Celtic Tales event in The Cottage Bar, from 8pm, hosted by the Scottish storyteller and writer Rab Fulton, who is originally from Glasgow.

The event will be a celebration of Scottish culture, ideals, and independence, and will feature Rab telling wild and hilarious tales from his native land.

“I believe independence carries the best possibility of promoting social justice, tolerance, and equality in Scotland,” says Rab. “Everybody is welcome to the celebration, Scots and non-Scots, Yes voters and No voters alike.”

Admission is €7. Also check out Rab’s blog on social justice and Scottish independence at rabfultonstories.weebly.com/blog/2


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